Category: Guide

Characteristics Of The XML Syntax


What Are The Characteristics Of The XML Syntax? All the XML documents must contain a single pair of tags to define the root element.   Here is an example of a XML document: <?xml version=”1.1″?> <reminder>     <to>Greg</to>     <from>Jonas</from>     <heading>Quick word</heading>     <body>Remember what we talked about!</body> </reminder>   The first instruction from […]

Characteristics of the XML Scheme


What are the characteristics of the XML scheme? XML scheme is a language used to describe the structure of the XML documents. Because of the confusion created between the XML standard scheme W3C and the usage of the same term to describe the general scheme languages, a part of the programmers use the term WXS, […]

What are the XML schemes for OAI-PMH?


The OAI-PMH protocol was developed to organize metadata. The final goal of this protocol is to allow different institutions to exchange metadata using the internet, with the purpose of increasing the safety of the documents exchanged on the internet. OAI-PMH was adopted by numerous digital documents, deposits, and digital archives. OAI-PMH uses the XML over […]

What Is The Connection Between Ajax and XML?


XML is a special language used to structure and store .xml files. It is a syntax based on tags. In some cases, the answer received from Ajax (the data transmitted from the server of the script) can be the content of an XML document. This working method is used by API applications to transfer data […]

What is XML parsing?


If you have a document that was transformed in XML DOM, such as a string or an XML document, the functions from JavaScript must parse the data with the general purpose of an efficient data display. If the XML data are structured in a format based in tags, you can use the proprieties and the […]

Test A New Metadata Structure


How Can You Test A New Metadata Structure? You will have to test any new structure because of several reasons: all the requests are working with a new metadata prefix the oai_dc format is still not functioning for every format, a new record is required if all those conditions are met, you can consider the […]

Create An XML Document using PHP


How Can You Create An XML Document using PHP If you want to understand the basic process of creating an XML document, follow the next example. We will try to create a simple XML structure using the DOM XML functions. Here are the steps: Create a new XML object in the cache memory. Create and […]

Create an OAI structure using XML


How Could You Create an OAI structure using XML?   Step 1: Naming the format The new metadata needs a name, so we could call it wk_dc. You can call it as you wish, but it is better to choose a representative name.   Step 2: creating the namespace A new namespace for the new […]

The Basic Principles of XML


What Are The Basic Principles of XML? XML is a specification of WWWC that represents a set of rules that allows creating languages to transport data on the internet. He is a part of SGML, a complex specification that represents the parent of several languages of this type.   AN XML file is a structured […]

XML Modules


You will need PHP 5+ to work with the next modules:   XML working modules If you want to modify PHP data in an XML document, you will need the right structure and syntax for the XML code. It must not be strictly valid (it is not necessary to contain DTD, but it is recommended. […]